February 24, 2007


What in the world kind of fun could we have with 4 boxes, a bouncer, styrofoam eggs, beads and foamies? Well, a full day of absolute fun! Please see the pictures on the right for our fun day!
Aidan's dad and my husband could not believe I poured the styrofoam eggs on him. We all know the kind of mess they can make, especially when they are stepped on or broken into pieces. Oh well, what's life about with children...if you don't have spontaneous fun and creativity!!
Aidan with assistance made I Love You bracelets for grandma, mom, and dad, and then we made him one with his name on it. Of course with the excitement I forgot to take pictures of them, so, I will do that at next visit. He also made a door hanger with foamies he liked and then a monkey memo board. He's very into Curious George. He is such a great little boy and I love him to pieces and can't wait until him and butterfly meet. I am sure they will become best friends and cousins.
I hope Fred and I are as good of parents as his mom and dad are! It is so great to see my baby brother, who I fought with all the time as a kid, growing up and becoming such a great, involved, passionate dad who I truly enjoy as a brother and friend. I am just so very proud of him and I am very proud of what he and his family are becoming!! It just makes me even more excited for Fred, I and butterfly and the challenges and rewards that lie ahead as we become a family!!

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