September 22, 2007


I just have to figure out how to upload the video

She's walking/toddling about 5-10 steps at a time and she's still picky when she does it but I imagine she will be cruising right along in no time. She actually took her very first steps last friday, it was a very exciting day!!! Fred is getting ready to leave for 2 weeks on a bike trip and was really afraid she would walk while he was gone so at least he got to see her first steps. By the time he gets back she will probably be cruising completely so he will be in for a treat!!

Eating with silverware!!!

Her third haircut from her fav hairdresser....Marie

I can say "Nanna" therefore I can eat one by myself!!!!

Needing to peel skin down, and Miss Elysa not wanting it taken away...... hmm imagine that..........
Now does that break your heart or what????

She loves her Bannanas....

At a new indoor playground with cousin Aidan and rode in an electric vroom vroom...

September 9, 2007


MAMA, DVD PLEASE, I am bored!!!. No toys or books in the car will keep her attention long enough, and she doesn't watch TV at home

FINALLY, they turned it on!! She doesn't even go to sleep when this is on...

Having fun at the playground w/cousin Aidan.......

FIRST, slipper slide ride.......she is completely fearless

FIRST, climb.....

and then the tree.....I am sure she can't wait to have her very own tree house....

FIRST, see-saw....she loved this...kept bouncing herself up and down and doing more till someone else got on....

AND LASTLY, we got a great view of a Frog on the playground...and some wonderful pictures.....