September 9, 2007


MAMA, DVD PLEASE, I am bored!!!. No toys or books in the car will keep her attention long enough, and she doesn't watch TV at home

FINALLY, they turned it on!! She doesn't even go to sleep when this is on...

Having fun at the playground w/cousin Aidan.......

FIRST, slipper slide ride.......she is completely fearless

FIRST, climb.....

and then the tree.....I am sure she can't wait to have her very own tree house....

FIRST, see-saw....she loved this...kept bouncing herself up and down and doing more till someone else got on....

AND LASTLY, we got a great view of a Frog on the playground...and some wonderful pictures.....


Nesting For Natalie said...

Oh my! She is just looking too cute on that teeter totter!


Beth said...

FUN times at the playground! So cute! Hope has the same carseat. Don't you love it?
