March 10, 2007


We are starting to come down off of "CLOUD 9" and back to reality of now making lists of the things we have to get done between now and our TA (travel approval). There is a very slim possibility that we could get our TA and CA (consulate appt) by mid-April but the problem the trade fair mid-end of April in Beijing that leads to prices of everything tripling and offices being closed. So most likely we will travel the first of May. Needless to say Fred and I continue to remain anxious and excited about all the changes that are about to take place in our lives. Our mind races and is completely pre-occupied everyday with thinking of Elysa. We had a wonderful weekend at the beach and went shopping for some smaller clothing for Elysa since everything I had bought up to now was 18-24months.

We received our first congratulations card from our best friends in KS. They even thought of our pets and congratulated them on a new sister. It was so great to receive such a sweet, thoughtful note from Ladybug and the Ford Family. They have truly been an inspiration to us and have been supportive throughout this adoption process and we pray that we can be as good of parents as they have become with their sweet boy, freddy. We can't wait until they come visit us again and meet Elysa!

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